First University in Canada to guarantee career success
Kyle Addison, president of the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) and third-year business administration student, says the UR Guarantee adds value to a University degree. -Photo by AV Services

The University of Regina has introduced a unique program guaranteeing students a successful career launch following completion of their undergraduate degree.

The UR Guarantee is built on the strength of the University's Co-operative Education Program and commitment to experiential learning, and guarantees all students who complete the program requirements a great job within six months of graduation.

Kyle Addison, president of the University of Regina Students' Union (URSU) and third-year business administration student, says the UR Guarantee adds value to a University degree.

"A program like this is very appealing to students. It's comparable to an insurance policy."

The UR Guarantee - the first program of its kind in Canada - states that the University of Regina will provide its students with up to one year of additional education, covered by a bursary equivalent to tuition, if students are unable to secure meaningful employment within six months of graduation.

"In these economic times, students and their parents are more focused on the end result - a career - than ever before," says Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina.

"By focusing the UR Guarantee on future employment, we are showing confidence in our students and the education they receive at the University of Regina. Our students are talented and motivated and they have great experiential learning opportunities available to them. University of Regina graduates have one of the highest rates of success in the province when it comes to launching a career post-graduation. The UR Guarantee plays to those strengths."

Each student who actively participates in the UR Guarantee program will be required to take part in mandatory as well as elective opportunities supplied by the university. These electives ensure students maintain a level of academic success, are engaged on campus, and participate in service or leadership programs such as volunteer work or a mentorship program. Students will also be required to work with the University's Career Centre where they will receive one-on-one career counseling, and attend sessions on resume building and interview preparation.

"By participating in this program, our students will develop skills that will help them excel in their chosen fields and realize their full potential by becoming leaders in our local and global communities," says Timmons.

Addison agrees. "Being an active student in class and on campus is the key to success," says Addison. "By participating in a Co-operative Education program, students will gain hands-on experience and increase their employability. By joining a campus club or sitting on the URSU board, students have the opportunity to network and build relationships - a skill that will help them when they're job searching."

The University of Regina was the first university in Western Canada to start a Co-operative Education program which is now available in nearly 50 disciplines. The University's Co-op program boasts more job placements than all other post-secondary institutions in the province combined. Last year U of R Co-op students earned close to $7 million.

The UR Guarantee program is one of a series of new programs and services being developed under the Universityof Regina's new strategic plan called mâmawohkamâtowin: Our Work, Our People, Our Communities. The word mâmawohkamâtowin is Cree and means co-operation and working together towards common goals. The strategic plan can be found at

To find out more about the UR Guarantee go to