City proclaims University of Regina Day

Posted: October 31, 2011 11:00 a.m.

University of Regina Chancellor, Dr. William F. Ready, Q.C. (left) and Vice-President (Academic), Dr. Thomas Chase attend University of Regina Day celebrations.
University of Regina Chancellor, Dr. William F. Ready, Q.C. (left) and Vice-President (Academic), Dr. Thomas Chase attend University of Regina Day celebrations. U of R Photography Dept.

To acknowledge the contributions the University of Regina has made to the citizens and the economy of the Queen City, Regina City Council proclaimed October 25, 2011 to be “University of Regina Day”.

As part of the proclamation the University of Regina’s flag was raised during a special ceremony at City Hall. Guest speakers at the event stressed the important role the University has played in Regina.

A city bus in Regina Transit’s fleet featuring photos of students from the school’s past and present was also unveiled. The bus will serve passengers in Regina over the next year. At the same time an announcement was made that Regina Transit will extend TransitLive technology to all of the buses in its fleet beginning January 2012.  This technology, which was developed in partnership with the University of Regina, allows people to track buses in real-time on their computers and smartphones.

Students, faculty and staff were invited to celebrate University of Regina day. Many were spotted wearing green and gold University of Regina clothing. Staff also handed out University of Regina coloured doughnuts and other treats over the noon hour.

A video of the event can be found on the University of Regina’s Official blog: