Release Date: February 24, 2009
Media Contact: Dale Johnson, External Relations
Phone: 306-585-5439
Mobile: 306-536-4312
Fax: 306-585-4997
Big Ideas @ 150: Celebrating works of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill
The contributions of three of the most influential writers will be discussed at a public forum at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009, in Room 215, Language Institute, at the University of Regina.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of three landmark books: The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin, Preface to A Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx and On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.

"Grand ideas do not come much grander than Darwin's idea of evolution, Marx's theory of history, or Mills' defence of liberty," says Dr. Martin Hewson, assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Regina, and a member of the panel.

The event is called "Big Ideas @ 150" and will examine the relevance of the ideas of Darwin, Marx and Mill in our world today.

As well as Dr. Hewson, others taking part in the panel discussion are Dr. Shadia Drury, professor of Political Science who specializes in history of political thought and contemporary political philosophy; Dr. Phillip Hansen, professor of philosophy; and Dr. Lee Ward, associate professor of Political Science at Campion College at the University of Regina.