Nursing student receives 40th Celebration Award

Posted: October 9, 2014 2:15 p.m.

Nursing student Darby Janz says scholarships help make the transition to university easier.
Nursing student Darby Janz says scholarships help make the transition to university easier. Photo: U of R Photography

Darby Janz’s first few weeks at the University of Regina have been easier than expected. The first-year student in the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) program, says that her fellow students and the Faculty of Nursing “have made the transition from high school to university a very easy one.”

“The students, faculty and staff are incredibly friendly,” says Janz. Additionally, she is close to her hometown of Fort Qu’Appelle – something she says was important in choosing the University of Regina.

“Family is a big part of my life, and being  able to move out, yet still have them close enough in case something is to go wrong, is simply amazing, and something only Regina could offer,” she says.

Upon coming to the University this fall, Janz was one of 40 students granted the University of Regina 40th Celebration Award. The newly created scholarship worth $1,000 commemorates the 40 years the University of Regina has been an autonomous, degree-granting institution. To apply, students submitted a short essay outlining their goals for the next 40 years and how a University of Regina education supports achieving those goals.

Janz says the support she has received and scholarships like the University of Regina 40th Celebration Award made her “journey from high school to university a lot easier.”

“Scholarships offer recognition for hard work and dedication, and in my opinion, are very important to students – and to me as I study to become a registered nurse.”