National Disability Employment Awareness Month recognized at the University of Regina

News Release Release Date: October 28, 2016 10:30 a.m.

The University of Regina’s Campus For All 4 to 40 initiative was recognized and celebrated today as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).

National Disability Employment Awareness Month was recently established across Canada to increase awareness of the positive outcomes of hiring persons with disabilities. Throughout the month of October, NDEAM focused on hosting different types of events and providing a variety of resources to share information between all employers about hiring persons with disabilities in all types of jobs.

“I am so proud of our 4 to 40 program,” said Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina. “Partnering with Creative Options Regina continues to bring together persons with disabilities and forward-thinking employers who embrace a flexible 4 to 40 hour work week.”

Campus For All is the University of Regina’s four-year Inclusive Post-Secondary Education experience for students with intellectual disabilities. It launched in 2006 with two students in the Faculty of Education and has expanded across campus giving young adults with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to attend classes, participate in campus activities, make friends, work with mentors, enhance their literacy skills and prepare for the work world.

Since the creation of 4 to 40 three years ago, individuals from Creative Options Regina and Campus For All have been hired for more 30 jobs, with 12 students and graduates of Campus For All having gained permanent jobs with pay and benefits. Two of these Campus For All participants are currently employed at the Fitness and Lifestyle Centre, with another three at Farm Credit Canada (FCC).

“I would like to thank President and CEO Michael Hoffart and the entire organization at Farm Credit Canada for partnering and recognizing the importance of Campus For All. FCC has been a long-time supporter of our students, and is a progressive employer and role model for other companies.  I challenge others to follow FCC’s lead and consider ways in which persons with intellectual disabilities can contribute meaningfully to their organizations,” adds President Timmons.

This past summer, the University of Regina’s Alumni Association voted in favour for graduates of the Campus For All program to be full members of the Alumni Association.