$4 million in funding allocated to upgrading Darke Hall through the College Avenue Campus Renewal Project

News Release Release Date: September 8, 2015 1:30 p.m.

University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Vianne Timmons today announced a $1 million anonymous donation toward ensuring accessibility at Darke Hall as well as the allocation of $3 million in funding, from the donations received for the College Avenue Campus Renewal Project, to refurbish the exterior shell of the historic venue.

“The community support for renewal of the College Avenue Campus has been outstanding,” says Timmons. “This generous donation to the College Avenue Campus Renewal Project brings us to within $3 million of our $10 million fundraising goal, and is an important step toward once again making Darke Hall a cultural centre for our city and province.”  

The donor has requested the funding be dedicated to improving accessibility at Darke Hall. The need to make Darke Hall accessible in order to meet today’s standards for access and to ensure the University is inclusive has been a major concern. Accessibility will be addressed through future renovations that will allow people with mobility limitations to access the building and facilities.  

Accessibility and other interior restoration work is not possible without ensuring the long-term viability of the building enclosure. To that end the Board of Governors has approved that $3 million, of the $7 million in donations received to date, be used to renovate the exterior shell of Darke Hall.  The work will repair or replace the main exterior components of Darke Hall including the roof, brick and stone cladding, and windows as needed.

The exterior work on Darke Hall will begin this fall with a complete assessment of the required repairs/upgrades. Construction will begin in spring 2016 and be completed in fall 2017.

“Our vision for renewal of the College Avenue Campus is ambitious – to transform the campus into a vibrant, modern facility while restoring its historically significant architectural heritage for the use and enjoyment of students and visitors for the century,” says Timmons.  “The support of the community is appreciated and is critical to helping us achieve this vision, and will help ensure that the campus plays a pivotal role in the educational and cultural future of our University, city and province.”

For more information about the College Avenue Campus Renewal Project, please visit: http://www.uregina.ca/external/donor-relations/priorities1/cac.html