Release Date: January 22, 2003
Media Contact: Therese Stecyk
Phone: (306) 585-4683
Fax: (306) 585-4997
First Gerontology Research Centre in Saskatchewan Launched
The province’s first gerontology research centre was launched today at the University of Regina. The Centre on Aging and Health (CAH) will be a focal point for research and expertise that addresses the health issues of the aging population in Saskatchewan and Canada.

“The Centre on Aging and Health is further evidence of the dynamic and innovative work being done at the University of Regina. We are developing a strong research culture and health research is one of the areas identified for special emphasis. The work at the Centre on Aging and Health will increase our knowledge in gerontology, an area that is critical to future health care provincially and nationally,” says Dr. Allan Cahoon, Vice-President (Research and International) at the University of Regina.

The North American population is aging, and 20 per cent of the Canadian population will be over the age of 65 by 2021, compared to the current 12.7 per cent. In Saskatchewan, the percentage of seniors is 14.6 per cent, higher than any other province.

These changing demographics bring to the forefront a variety of health issues and problems. These include:

  • early detection of dementia;
  • stress experienced by caregivers of frail seniors;
  • overcoming communication barriers so that effective medical treatment can be provided;
  • ethics and standards in the provision of care;
  • prioritizing patients waiting for medical treatment;
  • undertreatment of pain among seniors;
  • prevention of falls;
  • end-of-life care; and,
  • healthy and successful aging.

“The Centre on Aging and Health brings together researchers from a wide variety of disciplines to develop the knowledge needed to understand and address these and other health issues of the aging population. It will have an invaluable impact on health care in Saskatchewan and Canada,” says Dr. Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Director of the Centre on Aging and Health.

Approximately 30 researchers from Saskatchewan and other parts of Canada are now affiliated with the CAH, working alone or in collaboration on numerous research projects. They have expertise in areas such as health ethics, pain identification and management, rehabilitation, Aboriginal health, end-of-life care, aging in rural areas and psychological health among seniors.

The CAH will also be the centre of operations for three major projects funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), totalling more than one million dollars.

The Centre will provide research training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. In addition it will facilitate partnerships with health districts and provincial and national gerontology organizations. It has already signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan and the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region.

The CAH has also established the Committee for Aboriginal Health and Aging Research to encourage more research into Aboriginal health needs and aging. This is an area where very little research has been done but where there is a great need for more knowledge.

To visit the Web site of the Centre for Aging and Health go to