Release Date: November 7, 2006
Media Contact: Stephen King, External Relations
Phone: (306) 585.5632
Mobile: (306) 536.4312
Fax: (306) 585.4997
Aboriginal perspectives on health and wellness
The western model of health care continues to focus on physical health, but there are many broad and varied factors that determine health and wellness. For instance, Aboriginal people face higher rates of chronic and infectious disease, lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates, and they also experience the highest poverty, unemployment, and incarceration rates. Aboriginal people also face higher levels of addiction and domestic violence, and have lower education levels. In her talk, “Aboriginal Perspectives on Health and Wellness: A Holistic Approach”, Carrie Bourassa, assistant professor in the Department of Science at the First Nations University of Canada, will address the concept of physical health as a manifestation of emotional, mental and spiritual issues, and discuss how a holistic perspective can address the underlying root causes of ill health and help Aboriginal people reclaim or rediscover their identities.

Bourassa’s lecture will take place on Thurs., Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. in Darke Hall, University of Regina College Avenue Campus and is free of charge and open to the public. The talk is sponsored by Business and Professional Development, Centre for Continuing Education and Humanities Research Institute at the University of Regina.

For more information, call 585-5739 and 585-4304.