Release Date: September 23, 2008
Media Contact: Stephen King, External Relations
Phone: 306-585-5439
Mobile: 306-536-4312
Fax: 306-585-4997
"Nourishing Thoughts at the Food Bank" lecture series is back for a fourth year

Oskapewis ("the Helper" in Cree, Assiniboine and Saulteaux traditional teachings) begins training at a young age to assist Aboriginal Elders.  Individuals in this role take on more responsibility over time and one day may become Elders themselves. 

Find out why the role of Oskapewis is so important to many Aboriginal cultures. Join Elder Glen Anaquod as he delivers the first lecture of the 2008-09 "Nourishing Thoughts at the Food Bank" series. His talk will take place on Tuesday, September 30 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. at the Regina and District Food Bank, 425 Winnipeg Street. Lunch is provided at no cost however the public is encouraged to donate a non-perishable food item.

"Nourishing Thoughts at the Food Bank" is an ongoing lecture series that highlights work being done through educational programs at the Food Bank and encourages sharing of knowledge and experience amongst University professors, Food Bank staff and students, and the general public.  It was launched in 2005 and is sponsored by the Centre for Continuing Education, First Nations University of Canada and the Regina and District Food Bank.

The "Nourishing Thoughts" series represents an opportunity for the partners to develop relationships between under-represented populations and post-secondary education, and by doing so, support the goals of the Food Bank's educational programs.  Speakers also share research and knowledge with participants, providing the larger community with insight into Aboriginal histories, cultures, and beliefs.

For more information, contact Loanne Myrah, Centre for Continuing Education, at (306) 585-5870.