University donations to United Way exceed $100,000

Posted: November 8, 2011 12:00 p.m.

Jim Tomkins (left) and Hilary Horan
Jim Tomkins (left) and Hilary Horan U of R Photography Dep't

The University of Regina community raised more funds than ever in support of the United Way Campaign. The United Way fundraising committee at the University says this major milestone is due to the support of many faculty and staff – those who are long-time givers and those who made first-time pledges.

Included in the long-time givers is University of Regina President Emeritus, Jim Tomkins. Upon returning from a vacation, Tomkins found his annual United Way pledge form amid a pile of waiting mail. He immediately contacted the United Way committee, hoping he was not too late to be included in this year’s fund drive.

Hilary Horan, co-chair of the United Way Leader’s Circle of Care and professor in the Faculty of Business Administration had just completed the weekly United Way pledge tally, satisfied that the university community had successfully met the goal of raising $95,000, when he received the call from Tomkins.

“I assured Dr. Tomkins that it is never too late to contribute to the important endeavours of the United Way’s 33 agencies,” said Horan. As a result, Tomkins was at the University within an hour with his pledge form.

Tomkins, a consistent canvasser and United Way Leader, has supported the Regina campaign for more than 40 years. “With his Leadership donation and a few others that came in after the weekly count, we exceeded $100,000 – truly a milestone,” said Horan.

This year’s campaign total represents a 100 per cent increase over five years ago and the number of donors has increased by ten per cent this year alone.

“I am so proud of the support the University of Regina community has once again shown for the United Way,” said University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor Vianne Timmons.  “Year after year, we consistently surpass our fundraising goal, which speaks volumes about the strong connection between our University and the larger community.  We surpassed this year’s goal through the dedication of many people, and I would especially like to thank the Leader Campaign Co-Chairs Thomas Chase, Hilary Horan and Jack Boan, as well as Campaign Co-Chairs Miranda Pearson, Philip Charrier and Wendy Whitebear.”

Pearson, Charrier and Whitebear were also overwhelmed by University employee support. “University members realize they are relatively fortunate in their life situations and want to reach out to Regina citizens who feel vulnerable for a variety of reasons,” said Pearson.

“It has not been difficult to foster this participation,” said Charrier. “Once University members discover the many ways that United Way agencies help disadvantaged members of our Regina community, they readily step up to help.”

Although Tomkins is flattered that he is credited with this year’s landmark figure, he noted the date in next September’s calendar.  “I’d rather be seen as the foundation others build on,” he mused, “than the trim on the facia. I’ll be in early next year,” he said. He noted that he would like to see this year’s total doubled again in five years.  “The needs are real and the impact of these programs is significant – we have the opportunity to help.”