10th Consecutive Year of Enrolment Growth

News Release Release Date: September 6, 2018 9:22 a.m.

Enrolment on the first day of classes at the University of Regina for the 2018 Fall semester has surpassed last year's with 15,475 students registered compared to 15,189 students registered in 2017.  This is an increase of 1.9% in terms of the number of students and a 2.4% year-over-year increase in the number of credit hours being taught.

"This is our 10th consecutive year of enrolment growth for the University - something which is a testament to the effort and commitment our faculty and staff have made in supporting our students," says Dr. Vianne Timmons, University President and Vice-Chancellor. "We are constantly looking for ways to improve the services and programs we offer our students.  The reopening of our College Avenue campus, which is home to the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and the University's Centre for Continuing Education, and which serves approximately 8,000 learners each year, is a prime example of this."

Other initiatives supporting student success include:

  • Re-opening the College West residence, which adds modern, bright, and accessible housing for 274 students this semester;
  • Launching new living-Learning Community floors and programming for residence students; Colourful Campus House (partnership with URPride), quiet floors, female floors, family housing and grad/mature housing;
  • Adding new faculty positions to meet the growth in student demand;
  • Developing more on-line courses and blended learning and distance learning opportunities;
  • Renaming buildings and streets to acknowledge that the University is on Treaty land - including Kīšik, Paskwā w, Wakpá Towers; and
  • Bringing Indigenous ways of knowing into course work and exposing students to the work of Indigenous writers and scholars.

A more detailed analysis of student enrolment, including international and Indigenous student enrolment, will be available after the end of the 4th week of classes.

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