The University of Regina Levene Graduate School and the British Columbia Institute of Technology's National Advanced Placement and Prior Learning Program Agreement

News Release Release Date: February 15, 2019 10:10 a.m.

The University of Regina and the British Columbia Institute of Technology's National Advanced Placement and Prior Learning Program (N-APPL) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that facilitates the participation of current and former Canadian services members in Levene Graduate School of Business programs.

"The University of Regina is extremely proud to be able to support the men and women of our Canadian Armed Forces," said Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Regina. "Through this memorandum the Levene Graduate School of Business has agreed to work with N-APPL to establish pathways for military members entering Levene Graduate School programs."

"The N-APPL Program is excited to collaborate with the University of Regina in creating new education pathways for military members and veterans. It is an honour having the Levene Graduate School of Business on board." said the N-APPL team.

The agreement will help streamline the National Advanced Placement and Prior Learning application process for Canadian veterans, reservists and regular force military personnel who enrol in the Levene Graduate School. In signing the memorandum the Levene Graduate School will work directly with N-APPL to ensure recognition of the training and experience of military personnel through prior learning and assessment and recognition and/or competencies.


About the University of Regina

The University of Regina-located on Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 territories, the ancestral lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota and Nakoda nations and the homeland of the Métis-is a comprehensive, mid-sized university that traces its roots back to the creation of Regina College in 1911. Today, more than 15,000 students study within the University's 10 faculties. The University has an established reputation for excellence and innovative programs that lead to undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees.

About the British Columbia Institute of Technology's National Advanced Placement and Prior Learning Program

The program dates back to 2006 with the Legion and Skills Conversion Program at BCIT. The main purpose of the program was to assess and recognize the skills acquired from the military by granting military members and veterans with advanced placement to diplomas and degrees, mainly in School of Business. Ever since, our advisor in house has been able to approach and assess over 600 military members and veterans. With such success, the N-APPL program was created three years ago after BCIT received a grant from the government of Canada with the purpose of taking the existing program national. Since then, we have partnered with over 19 institutions and associations-from BC to Newfoundland and Labrador-that collaborate in creating new paths for military members and veterans through a system created in house.

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