Statement to media: University of Regina Cougars men's basketball

News Release Release Date: December 17, 2018 11:15 a.m.

In November 2018, as part of a University initiated internal review of student-athlete eligibility for all University of Regina U SPORTS teams, the University identified a concern regarding the eligibility of a student-athlete on the men's basketball team. The University immediately self-disclosed its concern regarding this student's eligibility and U SPORTS has subsequently confirmed that the athlete was ineligible.

The student-athlete has since been granted eligibility following a compassionate appeal to U SPORTS by the University.

During the ineligibility period, the student-athlete played in 8 pre-season games (7 non-conference games and 1 exhibition game) which have now been forfeited. As he did not play in any regular season games while ineligible, the team's Canada West record of 7-3 is not affected.

NOTE: A media scrum will be held with Lisa Robertson, Director of Sport, Community Engagement and Athlete Development, at 2:00 p.m. on December 17 in the Main Gym (Gym #3) at the University of Regina.

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