Release Date: October 20, 2004
Media Contact: Angela Street
Phone: (306) 529-6720
Fax: (306) 585-4997
$1.4 million donated to Building Dreams and Futures
Toshiba of Canada Limited and its distribution and service partner, Brennan Office Plus, today announced their commitment of $1.4 million towards the University of Regina's Building Dreams and Futures Campaign. This gift-in-kind is directed to the 2005 Canada Summer Games priority within the fundraising campaign.

"Toshiba and Brennan will supply and service all office equipment used at the 2005 Canada Summer Games during the two weeks in August," said Mark McCullough, VP Marketing, Toshiba of Canada Limited, Office Products Group. "This commitment includes the establishment of the 'Toshiba Business Centre', which will be located at the Hotel Saskatchewan and will serve VIPs at the Games."

Toshiba and Brennan's commitment includes photocopiers, printers, fax machines, VCRs, DVD players, televisions, LCD projectors, laptops, and telephones, as well as related maintenance and supplies.

"The 2005 Games will be a very exciting time for our community. Brennan Office Plus is pleased to be able to participate in the Games by doing what we do best - supplying and servicing office equipment," said Bob Brennan, President, Brennan Office Plus. 

The Building Dreams and Futures Campaign has set a goal of $10 million to be directed to the 2005 Canada Summer Games.

"We are grateful to Toshiba of Canada Limited and Brennan Office Plus for their generous commitment to the community," said David Barnard, University of Regina President. "Their contribution shows leadership and will help us meet the goals of the Building Dreams and Futures campaign."

Canada Games 2005 President Bob Ellard said: "Many volunteers and sponsors will come together to make the Games a success. The commitment from Toshiba and Brennan will provide an important function at the Games, and exhibits the first-rate partnership between the Games and the University of Regina."

Further information about the campaign and how contributions can be made is available at 1-866-667-7500 or by visiting the Building Dreams and Futures website at