Release Date: April 7, 2003
Media Contact: Therese Stecyk
Phone: (306) 585-4683
Fax: (306) 585-4997
University of Regina minimizes risk of SARS
The University of Regina takes its responsibilities to students, faculty and staff seriously. Because of recent concerns about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the University is taking several measures to ensure that all risks associated with the condition are minimized.

The University is following federal and provincial health guidelines to assess the risk to the campus community. We are in communication with health agencies monitoring the SARS situation and are passing on pertinent information to our students and staff. In addition, we are providing the University community with specific information on SARS including: who is at risk, minimizing exposure, symptoms, and contacts for medical evaluation.

Given the precautionary measures in place by various government and health authorities, the University will continue its programs involving Asia-based students. Students from China, Thailand, Japan, Korea and Mexico are scheduled to arrive on campus in April to complete English as a Second Language training and to continue their undergraduate studies. Current government health guidelines require these students to undergo screening upon their arrival in Canada. Health authorities will also provide the students with information about the symptoms of SARS as well as details about what to do should symptoms appear at a later date. The University will also monitor the students’ health over the initial few weeks of their arrival.

The University of Regina is confident that these measures, consistent with federal and provincial guidelines, are appropriate and in the best interests of the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.