Release Date: December 1, 2004
Media Contact: Sabrina.Cataldo
Phone: (306) 585-5632
Mobile: (306) 537-5974
Fax: (306) 585-4997
$750,000 donation to fund chair in police studies
The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan today announced a $750,000 donation to the Building Dreams and Futures campaign. The gift will establish the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies. 

"Our foundation is dedicated to enhancing legal education and research to respond to challenges facing the administration of justice," said John Stamatinos, chair of the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan. "One major challenge is to address the concerns of the aboriginal community and recruit more aboriginal people into policing. The creation of the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies will contribute to realizing this goal and will ensure the University continues to produce the finest recruits possible to deal with today's complex social and justice issues." 

The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan donation will provide annual funding for the Chair in Police Studies for up to seven years. The foundation will have the opportunity to endow the chair within that time period. The establishment of a Chair in Police Studies is one of the Building Dreams and Futures campaign's research priorities.

"I would like to thank the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for its generous donation to the Building Dreams and Futures campaign," said David Barnard, University of Regina president. "The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies will solidify the University's position as a centre of excellence in police studies." 

The University of Regina's police studies program is the only one in Canada offering both a bachelor of arts and a master of arts in police studies. The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies will undertake research as well as some teaching responsibilities, and will provide leadership for faculty and program development. The new chair will be hired to begin in fall 2005.

"The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan has shown great leadership in donating to the Building Dreams and Futures campaign," said Garry Huntington, campaign chair. "We encourage other community organizations to follow the foundation's example and get involved with the campaign." 

Building Dreams and Futures is an ambitious campaign to raise funds for five priority areas of the University of Regina: student support, research support, Centre for Kinesiology, Health and Sport, 2005 Canada Games, and emerging priorities. The projects and activities planned for those areas will cost a total of $75 million. To date, 67 per cent of that goal has been raised from a variety of funding sources, including donations from individuals, corporations, and community organizations. Information on the campaign and how to make a contribution is available at 1-866-667-7500 or