Young alumni event celebrates those embracing the challenges and opportunities of technology

By Greg Duck Posted: April 12, 2019 11:00 a.m.

Young alumni gathered at College Avenue Campus to hear presentations from local tech experts on the impact technology has had on their lives and careers.
Young alumni gathered at College Avenue Campus to hear presentations from local tech experts on the impact technology has had on their lives and careers. Photos: U of R External Relations

Our lives are impacted by technology every day, creating new innovations...and new opportunities.

man at monitor

Gabriel Becerra presented
about the rise of artificial
intelligence and the growth
of machine and deep learning.

Brennen Schmidt
Brennen Schmidt BEd'12,
CPR'14 discussed digital
security, and the disruptions
and distractions of social media.
Sabeen Ahman
Sabeen Ahmad BA'05, BJ'08
spoke about her transition
from news anchor to digital
Greg Moore
Greg Moore BBA'13 talked
about how he has harnessed
the power of social media
into a viable business.

The second annual UR Change Makers young alumni event took place on Thursday, with the theme of Tech Changes Everything. More than 100 University of Regina alumni and friends visited College Avenue Campus to hear four local tech experts present on how they are navigating the opportunities and challenges of our rapidly changing world.

"With so much change, I have to ask, 'are you changing for the better, or for the really better?'" said event emcee Dr. David Gerhard, professor of computer science and self-proclaimed "huge tech guy."

Unique to the event was the use of the PechaKucha presentation format. In this format, speakers present 20 slides on their topic for 20 seconds each. Presentations are kept short, sweet, and leave the audience with a memorable and impactful message. Following the speakers' presentations was a panel discussion and a networking opportunity for attendees to connect and reflect on how technology is changing their lives.

"What an amazing format and great event," said event attendee Andrew Rink BBA'06. "It has real impact!"

For anyone who was unable to attend the event, the full live broadcast is available online at the link below.


View the entire live broadcast of the program on the University of Regina's Facebook page

Learn more about the speakers and their presentations on the Alumni and Community Engagement website.

guest panel attendees chat
conversations change makers