2016 Campus Master Plan under construction

By Everett Dorma Posted: May 7, 2015 11:30 a.m.

View of Dr. Lloyd Barber Academic Green and campus buildings.
View of Dr. Lloyd Barber Academic Green and campus buildings. Photo: U of R Photography

Faculty, staff, students, alumni, partners, neighbours and the public are invited to a public forum on May 12, 2015 to initiate discussions on future development of the University of Regina’s physical features and provide guidance on the creation of the 2016 Campus Master Plan.

The University’s master plan establishes the direction for future development of the built and landscape features of the University, including buildings and infrastructure such as roads and pathways, as well as open areas and ecological spaces.

“The campus master plan, updated every five years, builds upon the foundation of previous master plans dating back to 1962 when the main campus master plan and the Wascana Centre Authority master plan were originally developed,” says Dave Button, Vice-President Administration. “The Authority is updating their plan this year as well, and we’re working with them to coordinate the development and public engagement for both plans.”

“This update presents an opportunity to engage our communities in contributing to the longer-term vision of our campuses,” says Button.

The 2016 update will include consideration of the main campus, the campus east lands, and the College Avenue Campus. It will also build upon the three strategic priorities of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan; student success, research impact and commitment to our communities – as well as the overarching areas of emphasis, Indigenization and sustainability.

Comments on the 2016 Campus Master Plan are being invited through three public workshops at critical stages of the plan’s development, as well as other opportunities to provide input.

The first public forum is designed to identify issues to be considered in the master plan.

Event: Master Plan Public Forum
Date:  May 12, 2015
Time:  3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: Riddell Centre Multi-purpose Room

Two additional public meetings are planned for June (to consider options) and September (to consider a draft of the plan.) The date, time and location of these meetings, along with additional information and opportunities for input, will be posted at www.uregina.ca/fm/p-d-c/master-plan2016/index.html