Carol, I would be pleased to have the report included in the campus digital archive. Please enter my name as William D. Sgrazzutti. Are you also interested in including the follow up Progress Report (as I mentioned this initiative in my liaison report from September 06)? If so, I can send you a copy as a pdf. Thank you once again - Bill >>> Carol Hixson 3/7/2008 10:02 AM >>> Bill, I would very much like to put your liaison report from September 06 into the campus digital archive into this collection: As I told you when I first read it and subsequently, it is an excellent piece of work that articulates very well the direction that we need to take our liaison program. I know that your colleagues also hold it in high regard and it would do credit to the library to make it widely available. Other advantages is that it would save us all time when we wanted to access it, as we would now know where to find it and it would ultimately save the campus disk storage space since we wouldn't all need to keep individual electronic copies of it. Do you have any concerns? How would you like your name to be entered in the archive, as you would be listed as the author? Bear in mind also that anything can be easily modified if there are changes that you want to make later on. Best, Carol Carol Hixson University Librarian Bibliothécaire en chef Dr. John Archer Library University of Regina 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Phone: (306) 585-4132 Fax: (306) 585-4878 email: