Saskatchewan Health Authority

Permanent URI for this community

On December 4, 2017, the Saskatchewan Health Authority launched, transitioning 12 former Regional Health Authorities to a single provincial health authority.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority is the largest organization in Saskatchewan, employing over 44,000 employees and physicians responsible for the delivery of high quality and timely health care for the entire province.

We are driven by the commitment to improve frontline patient care for Saskatchewan people, and we are working together to better coordinate health services across the province to ensure patients receive high quality, timely health care, wherever they live in Saskatchewan.

Establishing one provincial approach to plan and deliver health-care services will break down geographic boundaries and service silos, to provide more consistent and coordinated health-care services across the province.

The work to unify the health system under a single organization and coordinate system-wide transformation, for the benefit of people working in the system and those that use it, will be a multi-year journey in collaboration with patients, health-care providers and partners across the health system.


Communities in this Community

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  • The Regina Qu’Appelle Regional Health Authority (RQRHA) is the governing body of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region (RQHR). The members of the Authority are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the Regional Health Services Act.