Blocks in Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle of Salmonella enterica Cause Global Perturbation of Carbon Storage, Motility, and Host-Pathogen Interaction

Noster, Janina
Hansmeier, Nicole
Persicke, Marcus
Chao, Tzu-Chiao
Kurre, Rainer
Popp, Jasmin
Liss, Viktoria
Reuter, Tatjana
Hensel, Michael
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American Society for Microbiology

The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is a central metabolic hub in most cells. Virulence functions of bacterial pathogens such as facultative intracellular Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) are closely connected to cellular metabolism. During systematic analyses of mutant strains with defects in the TCA cycle, a strain deficient in all fumarase isoforms (ΔfumABC) elicited a unique metabolic profile. Alongside fumarate, S. Typhimurium ΔfumABC accumulates intermediates of the glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway. Analyses by metabolomics and proteomics revealed that fumarate accumulation redirects carbon fluxes toward glycogen synthesis due to high (p)ppGpp levels. In addition, we observed reduced abundance of CheY, leading to altered motility and increased phagocytosis of S. Typhimurium by macrophages. Deletion of glycogen synthase restored normal carbon fluxes and phagocytosis and partially restored levels of CheY. We propose that utilization of accumulated fumarate as carbon source induces a status similar to exponential- to stationary-growth-phase transition by switching from preferred carbon sources to fumarate, which increases (p)ppGpp levels and thereby glycogen synthesis. Thus, we observed a new form of interplay between metabolism of S. Typhimurium and cellular functions and virulence.

© 2019 Noster et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Noster J., Hansmeier N., Persicke M., Chao T.C, Kurre R., Popp J., Liss V., Reuter T., Hensel M. (2019) Blocks in tricarboxylic acid cycle of Salmonella enterica cause global perturbation of carbon storage, motility and host-pathogen-interaction. mSphere 4(6):e00796-19.