Composting: A Sustainable Solution for University of Regina's Food Waste Disposal

Ahmed, Jeeshan
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Community Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Regina

Many steps had been taken in the past at the University of Regina to initiate a composting program on campus. However, those ideas did not turn out to be fruitful. In this report, several composting practices across Canada have been looked at in order to determine the best possible options for composting on campus. The costs of each composter along with its benefits and drawbacks have been identified in this report. The report stresses the importance of implementing a composting program on campus as it can result in cost savings from reduced garbage pickup for land filling and benefits from finished compost. Composting would also improve the reputation of the University of Regina as a pioneer for engaging in environmentally sound practices within the community. A series of procedural steps required to begin a composting program have been highlighted along with recommendations for choosing the right composting option. However, further discussions would need to take place in order to proceed to the implementation stages.

composting, university, sustainability, food waste