Suicidal Ideation, Planning, and Attempts among Canadian Coast Guards and Conservation & Protection Officers

Nisbet, Jolan
Jamshidi, Laleh
Andrews, Katie, L.
Teckchandani, Taylor, A.
Price, Jill, A. B.
Ricciardelli, Rosemary
Anderson, Gregory, S.
Carleton, R. Nicholas
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

The current study provides estimates of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts among Canadian Coast Guard personnel and Canadian Conservation and Protection Officers. Participants (n = 385; 59% men) completed a self-report survey that collected past-year and lifetime estimates of suicidal ideation, planning, attempts, sociodemographic information, and symptoms related to mental health disorders. Within the sample, participants reported lifetime suicidal ideation (25.7%), planning (10.9%), and attempts (5.5%). Participants reported past-year suicidal ideation (7.5%), planning (2.1%), and the percentage of attempts was too marginal to report due to ethical considerations. Canadian Coast Guard personnel and Conservation and Protection Officers reported higher percentages of past-year and lifetime suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts than the Canadian general population, but the percentages reported are comparable to other Canadian PSP sectors. No statistically significant results were observed for the sociodemographic covariates within the past-year, whereas, statistically significant results were observed for the lifetime sociodemographic covariates of age, province of residence, and previous work experience. There were statistically significant associations between past-year suicidal ideation and positive screens for major depressive disorder (MDD) and general anxiety disorder (GAD); as well, past-year suicidal planning was associated with social anxiety disorder (SAD). There were also statistically significant associations between lifetime suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts and positive screens for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), MDD, and SAD. Lifetime suicidal ideation and planning were associated with panic disorder (PD). The current estimates provide valuable information for clinicians and stakeholders involved in prevention programs, treatment, or future research.

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suicidal thoughts and behaviors, public safety personnel (PSP), mental health disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Injury (PTSI)
Nisbet, J., Jamshidi, L., Andrews, K. L., Teckchandani, T. A., Price, J. A. B., Ricciardelli, R., Anderson, G. S., & Carleton, R. N. (2022). Suicidal Ideation, Planning, and Attempts among Canadian Coast Guards and Conservation & Protection Officers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2036468.