Creating a two dimensional energy balance model to study planetary atmosphere

Palandri, Julian
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Faculty of Science, University of Regina

Based on research of various climate models and specifically of one dimensional energy balance models (1D EBM), a 2D EBM was created. This model separated the planet into zones with different latitude and longitude coordinates. Each zone's temperature was calculated by taking into account incident/outgoing solar radiation and heat transfer between adjacent zones. The global average temperature of the Earth could also be calculated. Other features like day/night cycles, seasons, and land/sea zones were also included to add complexity to the model. The final 2D EBM ended up having different temperature values than what was expected.

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics, University of Regina. iii, 28 p.
Planets--Atmospheres., Two dimensional energy balance model., Global temperature changes.