“I live in prison and sometimes I visit the streets” : utilizing narrative therapy at the Regional Psychiatric Centre : a field practicum report




Hryniuk, Chad

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Faculty of Social Work, University of Regina


The purpose of this practicum placement was to gain knowledge and experience in utilizing narrative therapy with complex clients admitted to a correctional institution. In this practicum report, I provide an account of my experience as a Master of Social Work student during a four-month practicum placement with the Regional Psychiatric Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Specifically, the report includes an overview of the Regional Psychiatric Centre and provides a literature review on narrative therapy; it outlines my personal and professional values and ideologies when working with individuals with mental health and addiction concerns, and it discusses my learning objectives and how I achieved them. Furthermore, I demonstrate how I incorporated narrative therapy into practice with clients at the institution. Finally, I included sections on challenges and ethical considerations and implications of my learning for social work practice.


A Practicum Report Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Social Work, University of Regina. v, 58 p.


Regional Psychiatric Centre, Family Service Saskatoon, Narrative therapy, Mental health and addiction concerns, Recovery, Rehabilitation
