Climate Change and the Policies of Deception

dc.contributor.authorEisler, Dale
dc.descriptionView archived Policy Briefs; The Policy Brief is a digital and print publication, written by JSGS scholars and leading policy experts, to provide context and perspective on important public issues and to further discussion and debate within the public sector. It provides policy makers and those interested in policy formation with timely and expert analysis, observations and potential policy approaches to relevant issues concerning the public.
dc.description.abstractOne thing is certain. The climate is going to change in Canada in the coming weeks and months when it comes to the climate change issue. It will get hotter. You can count on the debate, such as it is, intensifying as the nation heads towards an October election. And so it should, especially when the world faces an existential threat that is now officially deemed an "urgent climate crisis" by a motion of the House of Commons. For the purposes of the electorate passing judgment on the preferred policy to address climate change, the partisan battle lines are now well drawn.
dc.titleClimate Change and the Policies of Deception
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