Simple parameterized models of resonance structures within the distant Trans-Neptunian Belt

Crompvoets, Breanna
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Faculty of Science, University of Regina

The Outer Solar System Observation Survey (OSSOS) detected a large number of very distant (semi-major axis greater than 47.7AU) resonant objects. The distant resonances with OSSOS detections within the Trans-Neptunian Belt are modelled in three simple dif-ferent ways within this work. Simple Model 1 predicts a parameterized orbital distribution for all objects in an n : 1 resonance with Neptune, and a second, singular parameterization for all objects within the n : k, k > 1, resonances. Simple Model 2 creates parameterized orbital distributions for each n : k series, and the individual n : 1's. Simple Model 3 uses the pericentre distributions of Simple Model 2 and nds the minimum inclination width necessary to recreate the observed objects in model simulations. The OSSOS Survey Sim-ulator is used to construct unbiased orbital distributions of each resonant sub-population. In general, all distant objects are dynamically hot, and have much greater populations than those predicted by resonant sweeping or scattering-sticking models, highlighting that there is still much to be learned about the distant reaches of the Trans-Neptunian Belt.

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics, University of Regina. 31 p.
Trans-Neptunian Belt., Kuiper Belt., Outer Solar System Observation Survey.