CCWORK Protocol: The longitudinal study of Canadian Correctional Workers’ Wellbeing, Organizations, Roles and Knowledge

Ricciardelli, Rosemary
Andres, Elizabeth
Mitchell, Meghan, M.
Quirion, Bastien
Groll, Dianne
Adorjan, Michael
Siqueira Cassiano, Marcella
Shewmake, James
Herzog-Evans, Martine
Moran, Dominique
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BMJ Publishing Group

Introduction Knowledge about the factors that contribute to the correctional officer’s (CO) mental health and well-being, or best practices for improving the mental health and well-being of COs, have been hampered by the dearth of rigorous longitudinal studies. In the current protocol, we share the approach used in the Canadian Correctional Workers’ Well-being, Organizations, Roles and Knowledge study (CCWORK), designed to investigate several determinants of health and well-being among COs working in Canada’s federal prison system.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
Ricciardelli, R., Andres, E., Mitchell, M. M., Quirion, B., Groll, D. Adorjan, M., Siqueira Cassiano, M., Shewmake, J., McKinnon, M., Herzog-Evans, M., Czarnuch, S., Genest, C., Gacek, J., Cramm, H., Moran, D., Spencer, D., Maier, K., Phoenix, J., MacDermid, J., Weinrath, M., Haynes, S., Arnold, H., Turner, J., Eriksson, A., Heber, A., Anderson, G., MacPhee, R., & Carleton, R.N. (2021). CCWORK Protocol: The longitudinal study of Canadian Correctional Workers’ Wellbeing, Organizations, Roles and Knowledge. British Medical Journal Open, 11, e052739.