A Living Wage for Regina

Gingrich, Paul
Enoch, Simon
Banks, Brian
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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)

Since the Great Recession of 2008 the Canadian economy has been sluggish and unemployment has remained at high levels. The growth in Saskatchewan’s resource industries and the continuation of very low interests rates have insulated us from the worst effects of the recession. Those who measure the inflation rate have consistently reported that it has been two percent annually or less. Many families based on their lived experience suggest that real inflation is much higher than this. Apartment and condo rental rates, home purchases, the cost of water, some food products, gasoline and other energy sources have risen more than two percent. This has led us question what is the real cost of living in Regina for the average family. What annual income does a family require to maintain a decent standard of living? What is the Living Wage in Regina?

The main purpose of this report to describe the concept of the Living Wage and calculate what is the actual base income level of a family of four in Regina. The methodology for calculation of the Living Wage and the cost of living data developed for this report will contribute to a wider discussion of what is a fair wage for families in today’s economy.