Web based particle physics visualization using WebGL

Heinrich, Nathan
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Faculty of Science, University of Regina

Meaningful visualization of multidimensional data is an important yet very di cult activity. There is no standard paradigm, due to the very nature of the problem and the restrictions of percep-tion and computer graphics to two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations, with three-dimensional ones relying on secondary attributes such as visibility, perspective or colour to deliver the three dimensions on an essentially two-dimensional computer screen. Due to the dimensional-ity restrictions it is very important that the visualization tools provide the best human-computer interaction, in order to maximize the strengths of either one in the data analysis process. This project starts the development of multidimensional visualization tools for phenomenolog-ical particle physics data sets, within the context of creating a framework for fast, available and scalable visualization. The goal of this project is to produce a proof of concept for a quick online graphing tool. The requirements for this tool were to be able to upload a file containing data from the users computer and then produce a plot of the users choosing. This was to allow for quick, accessible multidimensional data visualization. This proof of concept was produced with the ability to produce three types of plots, a one dimensional histogram, a two dimensional histogram, and a three dimensional scatter plot. This proof of concept also attempts to minimise the stress on the server running the graphing tool.

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics, University of Regina. ii, 24 p.
WebGL (Computer program language), Particles (Nuclear physics)