Man Up initiative to challenge mindsets about masculinity

Posted: March 24, 2016 12:30 p.m.

Man Up Against Violence video. Directed and produced by Roz Kelsey.

The Man Up Against Violence (MUAV) initiative strives to embrace positive ideals of masculinity and prevent violence in our communities. From March 28 - 31, MUAV will host a number of activities on the main campus to raise awareness about the effects of the social construction of hyper-masculinity and what people can do to be a positive force for change.

Keynote event

Tony Porter, the man who delivered one of GQ Magazine's Top 10 TED Talks Every Man Should See will be speaking on campus, March 31.  In addition to being a prominent speaker in the field of healthy masculinities and the anti-violence movement Porter serves as an advisor to the National Football League, the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball. This event will feature a performance by Men in Dance as well as a book signing with Porter on March 31 at 4:30 p.m. in the Education Auditorium (EA 106).

Healthy Masculinities Workshop

Picture of Tyler Perkins
Screen shot from video of MUAV spokesperson Tyler Perkins.

Tyler Perkins, MUAV spokesman and U of R Rams player, will host two workshops about how the campus community can redefine what it means to “Man Up!”. This interactive session will cover how certain forms of masculinity can lead to negative outcomes and how healthier forms can improve the overall health of our communities. This workshop will be held on March 28 at noon and again on March 30 at 3:30 p.m. in the KHS Dean's boardroom (CK 173.7).

Athlete Ally Lunch and Learn

Hudson Taylor, of Athlete Ally, is a wrestling coach, prominent straight ally and activist in support of LGBT rights. Taylor was a three-time NCAA All-American and two-time NCAA Academic All-American wrestler who earned the most pins; most wins in the history of the University of Maryland. His non-profit organization, Athlete Ally, fosters inclusive sports communities. What is an Athlete Ally? It's any person — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity — who takes a stand against homophobia and transphobia and brings the message of respect, inclusion and equality to their community. Taylor will be speaking on March 29 at noon in the ShuBox Theatre in the Riddell Centre.

For more information about the MUAV initiative and its upcoming events, please visit its website at: