U of R rated a top employer in Saskatchewan

Posted: February 4, 2015 10:00 a.m.

For Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina, holding recognition events are an important way to  demonstrate to faculty and staff how much they are valued.
For Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina, holding recognition events are an important way to demonstrate to faculty and staff how much they are valued. Photo: U of R Photography

The University of Regina has once again been rated as one of the top employers in Saskatchewan by the rating agency “Canada’s Top 100 Employers.”

For employee Misty Longman, her workplace is as much about being a part of a family as it is a job.

“If I were to use a word to describe the various communities on campus it would be inclusive. There’s always someplace to belong,” says Longman, who is manager of the Aboriginal Student Centre at the University.  

One reason the University of Regina is ranked highly is because the University places a priority on recognizing the accomplishments of faculty and staff. Recognition programs include the President’s Awards for Service Excellence, Long Service Recognition, and the annual Celebrate event that recognizes employees for their academic and professional achievements.

Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Regina, says that holding recognition events for employees throughout the year is part of a bigger picture.

“It is one thing to say that we value our faculty and staff, but it is quite another to take every opportunity possible to personally and sincerely demonstrate how much they are valued,” says Timmons. “Our faculty and staff do everything they can to create the best possible learning environment for our students.  That’s why as an employer, we have a responsibility to ensure that we create and maintain the best possible working environment for all of our employees.”

For faculty members, the University provides an environment to succeed.

“The University of Regina is an ideally sized institution,” says Dr. Nicholas Carleton, an associate professor in Psychology. “It’s large enough to provide resources and support to faculty and students for all manner of research and teaching, but small enough that each individual matters and can make a difference.”

Another reason the University placed highly is because employees are encouraged to take advantage of a wide range of benefits including professional development classes, a tuition reimbursement program, and lifestyle courses that can be accessed through the Centre for Continuing Education. Supporting employees with children by offering licensed daycare facilities was also a factor in the ranking, as was the modern fitness and lifestyle centre with discounted employee rates and where annual health and fitness assessments are offered at no charge to faculty and staff.

The University’s continuing commitment to faculty and staff is reflected in the University’s new strategic plan, entitled peyak aski kikawinaw, Cree for “together we are stronger.”

For further information about the plan please visit:  http://www.uregina.ca/strategic-plan/

To learn more about careers at the University of Regina visit: http://www.uregina.ca/hr/careers/index.html