Carol MacDonald

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Leveraging Voyager with Open Source Software
    (2016-03-14) MacDonald, Carol
    A description of the steps taken to integrate several open source software for use within the Voyager Integrated Library System interface.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tanzania Revisited
    (Credit Union Central, 1985-05) MacDonald, Carol; MacDonald, Terry
    The progress of the development of credit unions is described in relation to the development assistance provided by Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan and the Canadian International Development Agency who began assistance projects 25 years before.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Towards 2000: An Information Technology Plan for the University of Regina Library
    (2016-02-29) MacDonald, Carol
    Report of the Library Automation Committee on planning the automation future of the University of Regina Library including trends in library automation and how the Library could respond to them to plan for a state of the art library system while maintaining or upgrading current systems.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Impact of Open Access on the Printed Book
    (2016-02-29) MacDonald, Carol
    Open Access as it applies to the printed book is examined in comparison to open access to journal articles. Institutional repositories development is reviewed in relation to how open access monographs and articles can be preserved.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Campus Art Collection: Open to All
    (2016-02-29) MacDonald, Carol
    The University of Regina art collection is described including donations to the collection, themes of the collection and how it is managed by the President's Advisory Committee on Art.
  • ItemOpen Access
    EDI from Blackwells Collection Manager to Voyager: Issues and Solutions
    (2016-02-29) MacDonald, Carol
    A description of the EDI workflow for loading automated invoices from the Blackwells Collection Manager to the Voyager Integrated Library System is described.
  • ItemOpen Access
    dbWiz Federated Search Tool
    (2016-02-29) MacDonald, Carol
    The dbWiz federated search tool is described in relation to the GODOT link resolver and the Voyager integrated library system used by the University of Regina Library.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of the Regina Library Information Network (RegLIN)
    (College & University Libraries Section Saskatchewan Library Association, 1991-01) MacDonald, Carol
    The formation of the Regina Library Information Network (RegLIN) is described including the implementation of the NOTIS Integrated Library System to the consortium member libraries. The seven inital RegLIN Consortium members were the University of Regina Library (host site), Saskatchewan Legislative Library, Saskatchewan Dept. of Health Resource Centre, Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applies Research, Regina General Hospital library, Plains Health Centre library and the Pasqua Hospital library