WILU 2011

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10294/5709

The 40th annual WILU 2011 conference will be held at the University of Regina in Regina, Saskatchewan Wednesday June 1 to Friday June 3, 2011.

The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is an annual conference devoted to bringing together the latest research and innovations in the area of information literacy and library instruction. WILU 2011 will be jointly hosted by the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), the University of Regina, and the University of Saskatchewan. For the first time, WILU will expand its focus beyond academic librarians to include public librarians, teacher-librarians, and library students.

The theme this year is ‘Learning Under Living Skies’ and sessions on library instruction and information literacy will cover topics such as: transforming where learning takes places; exploring the many participants in learning; tools, techniques, and tricks used by educators; and understanding the passion and motivation behind teaching.

WILU is the only Canadian library instruction conference. It offers a mix of applied and research based sessions and is therefore appealing to many practitioners. As a smaller conference it provides a multitude of opportunities to network and find out about the latest trends in information literacy in a library setting.


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