Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling

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For Indigenous people, storytelling is both a gift, and a very old custom, used to teach, entertain, and remember. Since 2004, the LSSAP committee has coordinated Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling (SAS) Month. Through the month of February, storytelling events are held by libraries and their partners in communities throughout Saskatchewan. The Dr. John Archer Library has participated in SAS Month since 2017.


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2024
    (University of Regina Library, 2024-02-15) Robson, Sundance; Bliss, Stacey
    Sundance Robson is a band member of Peguis First Nation in Treaty 1 Territory. Sundance’s father attended Brandon Residential School and through experience with family has become very aware of the legacy of residential schools, both historically and intergenerationally. Sundance was raised in Regina and is co-founder, Sacred Sound Facilitator, and an Executive Coach at Sacred Compass Journey, located in North Central Regina. He has facilitated numerous sessions and conversations with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of all ages.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2023
    (University of Regina Library, 2023-02-14) Carriere, Jane
    Elder Jane Carriere is Métis and Cree, was born in Sturgeon Landing-Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation and was raised in Cumberland House Cree Nation. She is a retired nurse, entertainer, beader, and is a great story teller.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2022
    (University of Regina Library, 2022-02-09) Cote, Lynn
    Lynne Cote is an ānihšināpēhkwē from Cote First Nation. She is a mother of 4 sons and grandmother of 4 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. She obtained a BA of Saulteaux Language Studies from First Nations University of Canada and a MA in Canadian Plains Research from the Univ. of Regina. Lynn is an Assistant Professor at First Nations University of Canada where she teaches the Saulteaux language, history, culture and literature. She is co-author of a book titled Mācī-anihšināpēmowin: Beginning Saulteaux, published in 2020 by the U of R Press.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2021
    (University of Regina Library, 2021-02-10) Goodtrack, Kim Soo
    Traditional teacher Kim Soo Goodtrack is of First Nations and Chinese decent and is member of the Lakota Woodmountain Reserve in Southern Saskatchewan. Her Great Grandmother walked to Wood Mountain with Sitting Bull and their people. Kim earned a degree from Simon Fraser University and is a retired school teacher. She has written several children’s books, curated many art and educational exhibitions across Canada and the U.S. Kim also makes jewellery and has helped produce children’s and educational TV episodes on the Aboriginal People’s Television Network.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2020
    (University of Regina Library, 2020-03) Worme, Melissa
    Melissa Worme is a gifted Plains Cree performance artist from the Kawacatoose First Nation in Saskatchewan. She has achieved accreditations in theatre from the newly designated Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre Company and the Nightwind Theatre. Ms. Worme has gained recognition for her talents as a singer, bead worker, Regalia designer and seamstress. Melissa is also an active Fancy Shawl Dancer.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2019
    (University of Regina Library, 2019-02-06) GoldenEagle, Carol Rose
    Carol Rose GoldenEagle is Cree & Dene with roots in Sandy Bay, northern Saskatchewan. She is the author of the award-winning novel BEARSKIN DIARY. Her first book of poetry – entitled Hiraeth – was released in early 2018 (Inanna Publications). Her second novel – Narrows of Fear – is also set to be released spring 2019 (Nightwood Editions). Her third novel - Bone Black - will be released later in the year. Carol is also a multi-disciplined artist in the areas of writing, storytelling, singing/drumming & visual art. On a regular basis, she enjoys performing at schools, community centres and children’s festivals across the province. She is a published poet, short story writer and playwright. As a visual artist, her work has been exhibited in art galleries across Saskatchewan and Northern Canada. As a musician, a CD of women’s drum songs, on which Carol was featured, was recently nominated for a Prairie Music Award. Before pursuing her art on a full-time basis, Carol worked as a journalist for more than 30 years – working in television and radio at APTN, CTV & CBC.
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2018
    (University of Regina Library, 2018-02-27) Omeasoo, Dennis
    Elder Dennis Omeasoo is from Samson Cree Nation north of Regina. He is an orator and translator in ceremony and between Non Indigenous and Indigenous audiences. Dennis also works as an Elder and Knowledge keeper for Schools in and around the Regina area. He is also a Champion Old Style Grass Dancer in the Pow Wow world. He travels from Piapot reserve which is approximately 75 kms from Regina
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    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling 2017
    (University of Regina Library, 2017-02-08) Yuzicapi, Dickie
    Dickie Yuzicapi comes from a culturally diverse heritage which represents the majority of the Plains cultures found in Saskatchewan: Ojibway, Cree, Metis, and Dakota. Dickie was raised by his great-grandparents who taught him traditional teachings before attending residential school. Dickie is a residential school survivor, and a multi-generational trauma survivor. He is the owner and chef of the Sioux Chef Catering Company. Dickie creates gourmet Indigenous cuisine with a modern twist.