Fine Arts Presentation Series

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Each year, the Faculty of Fine Arts, its departments and individual faculty members organize a number of series aimed at enriching the classroom and studio experience. Sometimes a visiting artist, sometimes a noted expert, sometimes a special exhibit. students looking to stretch their creative thinking will find great advantage in the special events hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts. But you need not be a student to appreciate the offerings - everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Fine Arts Presentation Series - Fall 2009
    (University of Regina. Faculty of Fine Arts., 2010-09) Faculty of Fine Arts
    Fine Arts Presentation Series. Fall 2009. "It's About Action Not Re-Action: The Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs." Dr. Charity Marsh. Canada Research Chair, Interactive Media and Performance, Department of Media Production and Studies. Friday September 25, 2:00pm in RC 050. "Exit pursued by a beare; Animals on the Elizabeathan stage (and beyond) or Mr W.C. Fields gives advice to Mr. William Shakespeare." Professor Wes Pearce. Associate Professor, Department of Theatre. Friday October 16, 3:30pm in RC 050. "As a Vessel of the Dharma, I am a Mother: The Ideology of Re-claiming the Female Body in an Early Modern Japanese Print." Dr. Gail Chin. Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts. Friday November 13, 3:30pm in RC 050. "Apropos Propriate Appropriations: Aboriginal Art After the Apologies." Professor David Garneau. Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts. Friday December 3, 3:30pm in RC 050.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Place of Fine Arts in the Modern University
    (2010-09-17) Hayford, Alison
    Between 2007‑2010, Dr. Alison Hayford served as Head of the Department of Visual Arts. Her passionate advocacy for that department, as well as for the Faculty of Fine Arts as whole, led her to take on the role of Associate Dean Undergraduate from 2009‑2010. Results of Dr. Hayford's tireless work at the departmental and faculty levels of her temporarily adopted homes, continue to be felt despite her return to Sociology and Social Studies.