Andrea Sterzuk
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Item Open Access Wena ka tapaymish ekwa kakway ka dipayhtamun? (Who Claims You and What Do You Claim?)(Canadian Scholars, 2024) Griffith Brice, Melanie; Fayant, Russel; Sterzuk, Andrea; Lewis, Patrick JItem Open Access English Monolingualism in Canada: A Critical Analysis of Language Ideologies(Springer Nature, 2021) Sterzuk, Andrea; Shin, HyunjungThis chapter examines the construction of English monolingualism as a historical and ongoing normative educational practice in Canada. Canada presents an interesting case because, at first glance, it might appear not to fit the English monolingual mold. Since 1969, Canada has been an officially bilingual country (English and French) with notable levels of multilingualism, in urban centres. Yet, currently, 56% of Canadians are English monolinguals (Statistics Canada, 2017). This chapter begins by examining the construction of English monolingualism as a historical normative educational practice in Canada with a particular focus on the policies and history of Saskatchewan, one province with particularly high levels of English monolingualism. Understanding the considerable state efforts towards producing Canada as a monolingual English country are useful for understanding the present-day monolingual mindsets of many Anglophone Canadians. Next, we explore how present-day Canadian official bilingualism policy is framed within ideologies of bilingualism as two parallel monolingualisms (Heller, 2007; Heller & McElhinny, 2017; Irvine & Gal, 2000). Finally, drawing from contemporary examples in higher education policy and practices in Saskatchewan, we discuss examples of equitable educational initiatives to better support plurilingual competence of all language learners through educational policy, curriculum, and practices.Item Open Access Building Language Teacher Awareness of Colonial Histories and Imperialistic Oppression Through the Linguistic Landscape(Springer Nature, 2020) Sterzuk, AndreaThis chapter considers the potential of the linguistic landscape to address the challenge of developing critical multilingual awareness in a predominantly English monolingual and white settler student body in a Canadian teacher education program. The chapter begins with a historical overview of colonial efforts to suppress multilingualism in the province through education, provides a review of relevant literature, and describes a teacher education linguistic landscape activity in relation to this literature. From there, the chapter provides details and findings from a small study of pre-service teachers. The chapter includes examples of student photo analysis as well as a discussion of the usefulness of “noticing” the textual practices of public spaces in helping student teachers to build their awareness of colonial histories and imperialistic oppression. In this way, the chapter addresses the question of how the linguistic landscape can become a productive site for project-based learning in language teacher education.Item Open Access Co-Creating and Claiming Spaces: Indigenous Language Activists, Partners/ Accomplices/Allies, and Higher Education(Canadian Scholars, 2024) Kennedy, Denise; Sterzuk, AndreaItem Open Access La sociolinguistique pour le changement en immersion française : un examen transdisciplinaire d’idéologies linguistiques dans les prairies canadiennes(University of New Brunswick, 2024-10-29) Adedeji, Olushola; Davis, Stephen; Roy, Sylvie; Sterzuk, AndreaCet article examine les discours d’enseignants1 et d’élèves en immersion française sur les idéologies linguistiques qui les empêchent d’être inclus dans les communautés francophones. Nous débutons par une recension des écrits sur certaines idéologies pour mieux connaître le travail qui se fait déjà dans le domaine. À partir de la sociolinguistique pour le changement qui prend une approche critique et réflexive sur notre rôle en tant que chercheurs ainsi que sur l’examen des relations de pouvoir chez les parlants de français langue seconde, nous examinons des extraits de nos recherches qui traitent des discours sur les idéologies présentes. Notre équipe transdisciplinaire examine donc les variétés linguistiques ; la sécurité linguistique des élèves ; la pertinence de l’immersion pour les élèves plurilingues et les rôles des répertoires linguistiques des élèves dans l’apprentissage du français en immersion. Nous constatons que les discours continuent à exclure les apprenants de français, mais que ces discours commencent à changer, surtout chez les apprenants plurilingues. Si on s’éloigne un peu de l’idée que la francophonie doit être d’une certaine façon, on conclut que des changements sont possibles.Item Open Access i-kiyohkātoyāhk (we visit): Adapting nēhiyawēwin/nīhithawīwin (Cree) language learning to the COVID19 reality(SAGE Publications, 2020) McIvor, Onowa; Sterzuk, Andrea; Cook, Williami-kiyohkātoyāhk (we visit) is a phrase which describes our experience of trying to recreate an online version of our way of life, being together in the language. The following report is our view of the ways nēhiyawēwin/nīhithawīwin (Cree) language learning has adapted to the COVID-19 reality since March 2020. Our hope is that by sharing the experience most familiar to us, the one we are living as learners and speaker/teacher, that we offer a useful perspective and potential solutions or directions for others.Item Open Access “Nobody told me they didn’t speak English!”: Teacher language views and student linguistic repertoires in Hutterite colony schools in Canada(Taylor and Francis Group, 2016) Sterzuk, Andrea; Nelson, CindyThis paper presents a qualitative study of five monolingual teachers’ understandings of the linguistic repertoires of their multilingual students. These teachers deliver the Saskatchewan provincial curricula in English to Hutterite colony students who are users of three languages: (a) spoken Hutterisch as a home and community language; (b) written High German as a language for religious worship and (c) spoken and written English for school and for communication outside the colony. Findings from this study demonstrate that the teachers report having had limited or inaccurate understandings of their students' linguistic repertoires prior to beginning their teaching positions. Secondly, the teacher participants’ awareness of the students’ language resources was, and is, an ongoing process. Finally, the willingness and ability to cultivate hybrid language use of Hutterisch and English varies from teacher to teacher. The paper concludes with discussion of considerations for teacher education and in-service teachers working in Hutterite communities.Item Open Access Context-appropriate crosslinguistic pedagogy Considering the role of language status in immersion education(John Benjamins Publishing, 2017) Ballinger, Susan; Lyster, Roy; Sterzuk, Andrea; Genesee, FredIn the field of second language education, researchers increasingly call for crosslinguistic pedagogical practices meant to encourage bilingual learners to draw on all of their linguistic resources regardless of the focus of instruction or the status of the target language. These recommendations include a relaxation of the strict language separation common in many bilingual education programs. Specifically, some Canadian French immersion researchers suggest that it may be beneficial to allow immersion students to use English for peer interaction during instructional time allotted to French. In this position paper, we argue that researchers should proceed with caution in calling for increased majority language use in the minority language classroom. We use Canadian French immersion as a case in point to contend that until empirical evidence supports increased use of English in immersion, crosslinguistic approaches that maintain a separate space for the majority language may represent ideal pedagogical practices in these contexts.Item Open Access ‘The standard remains the same’: language standardisation, race and othering in higher education(Taylor and Francis Group, 2014) Sterzuk, AndreaAs the result of global changes, government policy, and university initiatives, institutions of higher education in Canada have become increasingly linguistically and racially diverse. Traditionally—through policy, curriculum, instruction, and assessment—Canadian universities have promoted a subjective, monolithic, and racialized ‘Standard’ English. Efforts to limit linguistic heterogeneity in higher education, however, are increasingly at odds with the global flows and hyperdiversity of the world in which we live. Internationalization of Canadian campuses has implications for university policies and practices around English language variation. Drawing on a review of relevant literature, policy document analysis and semi-structured interviews with academic staff and international students, this paper explores the relationship between settler colonialism, race, and English language variation at a Canadian university.Item Open Access «Un-frenching» des Canadiennes françaises : histoires des Fransaskoises en situation linguistique minoritaire(University of New Brunswick, 2017-06-05) Von Staden, Anna; Sterzuk, AndreaCette étude aborde le phénomène de la perte de la langue première chez cinq Fransaskoises. En examinant leur situation linguistique minoritaire, ainsi que leurs expériences particulières dans les domaines communautaires, scolaires et enfin familiaux, tout au long de leur vie, nous avons pu identifier certains éléments, selon les perceptions de nos participantes, qui ont contribué à cette perte de la langue française. L’étude suggère que les relations de pouvoir inéquitables entre les langues (Bourdieu, 1977, 1980, 1989 ; May, 2008 ; Norton, 2000) ont le plus influencé les perceptions, les attitudes et les actions linguistiques de ces femmes en ce qui concerne l’utilisation et la valeur de la langue française à travers le temps et l’espace.Item Open Access Indigenous Language Revitalization and Applied Linguistics: Conceptualizing an Ethical Space of Engagement Between Academic Fields(University of New Brunswick, 2022-04-07) Daniels, Belinda; Sterzuk, AndreaThis conceptual paper examines the relationship between two academic areas: applied linguistics and Indigenous language revitalization. While the two domains have shared interests, they tend to operate separately. This paper examines: 1) possible reasons for this separateness; 2) mutually beneficial reasons to be in closer conversation and 3) changes necessary for the creation of an ethical space of engagement (Ermine, 2007) between these academic areas. We write from distinct positions: Belinda, a nēhiyaw woman working in Indigenous language resurgence and Andrea, a white settler woman working in language issues related to settler-colonialism. Drawing from our joint and individual experiences, we explore how these research fields can complement each other as well as intersect to create richer interdisciplinary knowledge.