Dale Storie

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Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Implementing Elastic App Search for Digital Collections
    (2021-10-22) Ramshaw, Veronica; Parvin Nishath, Sanjida; Storie, Dale
    This presentation will describe our recent experimentation using the cloud-based version of Elastic App Search to accomplish two goals: 1) to build a simple search layer connecting our digital collection platforms and 2) to provide a more robust search option for our static sites (including full-text document search).
  • ItemOpen Access
    (2019-04-26) Storie, Dale
    This presentation gives an overview of Unpaywall, an open database of open access publications
  • ItemOpen Access
    Community-Driven Digital Preservation with COPPUL
    (2019-05-03) Storie, Dale; Vajcner, Mark; James, Holobetz
    In 2015, COPPUL decided to strategically focus on supporting digital preservation, by hiring a Digital Preservation Coordinator and establishing what is now known as the COPPUL Digital Stewardship Network (CDSN). The CDSN, which is overseen by a steering committee, is intended to help COPPUL member institutions preserve, manage, and provide access to unique digital collections through offering a suite of preservation services built on open and flexible technologies, building capacity among COPPUL members, and working together with other digital preservation groups across Canada and the world.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Making Meaning of our Cultural Record: Digital Scholarship Now and in the Future
    (2019-11-27) Storie, Dale
    Research and scholarship is changing. Information once confined to archives and libraries is now broadly available for computational analysis, while advances in information technology are transforming the ways in which knowledge is created and communicated. What skills and tools are needed to preserve, analyze, interpret and make meaning out of a cultural record that is largely digital?