The Scholar Series

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  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Vol 2 Fall 2007
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2007-11-22) Burch, Fred
    The Spanish Influenza and Canada’s Criminal Justice System: Lessons for Pandemic Planners Volume II: The Courts, Police and Corrections
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Vol 1 Fall 2007
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2007-11-22) Burch, Fred
    The Spanish Influenza and Canada’s Criminal Justice System: Lessons for Pandemic Planners Volume 1: The Community
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Spring 2006
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2006-03-21) Hickey, Daniel
    Health Spending in Saskatchewan: Recent Trends, Future Options
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Fall 2005
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2005-10-27) Warriner, Bill
    Canadian Social Policy Renewal and The National Child Benefit
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Fall 2004
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2004-11-18) Durst, Douglas
    Partnerships with Aboriginal Researchers: Hidden Pitfalls and Cultural Pressures
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Spring/Summer 2004
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2004-06-08) Peach, Ian
    Managing Complexity: The Lessons of Horizontal Policy-Making in the Provinces
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Fall 2003
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2003-11-18) Green, Joyce A.
    Cultural and Ethnic Fundamentalism: The Mixed Potential for Identity, Liberation, and Oppression
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Spring 2002 
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2002-04-10) Rushton, Michael
    Public Funding of Artistic Creation: Some Hard Questions
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Winter 2002
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2002-02-26) Leeson, Howard
    Canadian Foreign Policy and the Events of September 11: A Dramatic Turn
  • ItemOpen Access
    SIPP The Scholar Series Fall 2001
    (Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2001-10-18) Marchildon, Gregory P.
    Royal Commissions and the Policy Cycle in Canada: The Case of Health Care