Lucrécia Raquel Fuhrmann

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Possibilities and Challenges of Learning English through Virtual Speaking Clubs
    (2023-09) Fuhrmann, Lucrécia Raquel; Sterzuk, Andrea; de Melo, Ana Beatriz Ruiz
    The COVID-19 pandemic has made online language learning and interaction more prevalent. In this paper, we investigate English language learners' experiences in a virtual speaking club hosted by one of the co-authors. The main objective is to explore English learners' experience in speaking clubs. The study uses online focus groups to explore learner experiences, focusing on feelings accompanying the language learning process. Findings suggest that virtual speaking clubs are cost-saving and time- efficient options for learners. Furthermore, the clubs provide opportunities for greater learner participation and interaction than traditional spaces, as they are a way to share social resources, benefits, and power.