Master of Education Practicum Reports

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In the Faculty of Education, the project-based master's program is designed to provide the student with the chance to apply theory in the field. Projects are typically research-based but of more limited scope; also the research is usually not independent, original research. Students must complete a required number of courses, a 6 credit hour project, and must submit a project report of the theory/application. Project students are given six years to complete their degree (because of the greater number of courses required).

Full details of the Faculty of Education's Master's Program may be found on the Master's Degree Program page.


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    From Theory to Practice: Counselling Psychology in Community Agencies
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-07) Stensrud, Amy J.; Martin, Ron
    The following report was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Route 1) from University of Regina. The report begins with a description of the path that led me to this field of study, my practicum goals, and the agencies that hosted my practicum work. The major focus of the report is a summary of my practicum experience, with particular attention to the theoretical underpinnings of the approach I took to counselling and the ethical considerations I encountered.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Experiencing Educational Psychology: Learning Through Practice
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-07) Falk, Matthew George; Thompson, Scott
    This report describes and discusses a practicum in psychological assessment that occurred in Prairie South School Division, No 210, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The focus of this report is the author’s practical application of psychological assessment, including interviews, file review, cognitive and achievement measures, rating scales, report writing, and communicating with clients and other stakeholders. The objective of this report is to provide a reflection on and analysis of the author’s involvements, professional growth, and considerations surrounding his practicum in educational psychology. Connections to theory learned in graduate coursework in Educational Psychology at the University of Regina is also linked to the experience of practicing assessment in schools.
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    The Practicum Experience of One Educational Psychology Intern: a Practicum Report
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-07) Currie, Catherine; Martin, Ron
    This practicum report is written in summation of my experiences in completing my practicum in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master’s of Education (MEd) in Educational Psychology (EPSY). My practicum took place in Sun West School Division under the supervision of my Professional Associate, Jolee Kambeitz M.Ed., and in collaboration with the Sun West School Division Student Services Team. This report uses the 2006 document, School Psychology: A Blueprint for Training and Practice III, published by the National Association of School Psychologists (Ysseldyke et al., 2006) to frame my experiences as a practicum student.
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    Clinical Counselling Fundamental Competencies in Practice : Catholic Family Service Regina Clinical Counselling Practicum Placement
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-06) Landry-Dixon, Marissa Marie; Sasakamoose, JoLee
    “How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great” ~Bill Bennot When I began to research agencies to complete the practicum portion of my Master of Education Degree, the motto of Catholic Family Services (CFS) Regina “Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Open to Anyone.” resonated with me on various levels. Starting this degree program further opened my heart and mind to concepts and worldviews I had not previously understood, which led to the opening of doors, and new connections with people I would otherwise have likely not known. I believed CFS was a place I would continue to grow on both a personal and professional level; ‘open heart & open mind’. Due to the range of clientele provided services at CFS; individuals, youth, couples, family, and psycho-educational groups as required, I considered it fortunate to have my practicum proposal accepted with this non-profit agency. My caseload was constructed from the counselling intake waitlist, which included new clients, returning clients, and those who were Ministry of Social Services referrals through the CFS Rapid Intervention for Family Therapy (RIFT) and Resolving Adolescent-Parent Strife (RAPT) developed programs, and from the Newcomer Services. Common themes were ruptured relationships, anxiety, depression, youth cutting and addiction concerns, trauma (including intergenerational), parent-teen conflict/crisis, grief work, blended family issues (including parental alienation), and separation/divorce issues. Regardless of the presenting concerns, clients often felt overwhelmed. Anxiety or depression were common issues for clients. The emotional flooding repeatedly created barriers for these clients to see a way forward, impacting their health, personal, and work life. Also disconcerting was how many people suffer in silence, not accessing counselling or other resources for support. By 2030 the economic burden of depression is expected to exceed the cost of all other physical barriers according to the World Health Organization (Stockdale Windler, 2014). It is estimated 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental health illness or substance abuse problem; translating into 220,000 Saskatchewan residents facing some degree of mental health/addiction challenges in any given year. Further statistics bear out that a staggering 43% of Canadians will encounter a mental health problem or illness in their lifetime (Stockdale Windler, 2014). The increase of mental illness and addictions will have a significant impact on the people of Saskatchewan and reinforces the value I place on a holistic approach to wellness cognizant of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Prior counselling experience, combined with knowledge attained through this degree program, in addition to continued self-directed learning pursued during the practicum, allowed me to work with clients toward effective and authentic self-care practices. As such the focus of this report will be to explore the practicum experience in relation to my learning objectives, the approaches I incorporated and modified, along with uncovering the common threads experienced by those seeking counselling services. To further facilitate growth as a clinical counsellor I kept a self-reflective journal throughout the process. Journaling allowed me to work through ethical concerns, shortcomings I encountered, as well as successes.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Psychoeducational Assessment Process: A Learning Experience
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-07) Rand, Kenneth Michael; Spooner, Marc
    This report focuses on the learning experience of an assessment and diagnostic based practicum, with the Prairie South School Division No. 210. The assessment process and the administration of cognitive assessments, including the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition, is discussed. Additionally, the importance of connecting the examiner’s observations to the results is discussed, and the methods for report writing and debriefing are explained. Applying classroom and research based theory to my practicum experience is discussed. Lastly, my reflections and my professional growth experiences are reviewed.
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    An Experience of Psychoeducational Assessments in Saskatchewan First Nations Schools
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-07) Unterschute, Kimberley Marie; Martin, Ron
    This report provides a detailed summary of my practicum completed with the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council and the Yorkton Tribal Council. Under the direction of Iris Rowlett, Registered Psychologist, I carried out achievement, cognitive, and behavioral assessments in several First Nations schools in south-east Saskatchewan. My learning experiences included working with Learning Resource Teachers, classroom teachers, children, and adolescents in school settings. This experience provided me with applied, practical experience in conducting psychoeducational assessments with clients aged 5 to 18 years old.
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    A Nature Curriculum for the Grade One School Year
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-04) Brcic, Marley K.; Forsberg, Nick
    I have created a Grade 1 Nature Curriculum Guide. This document will allow teachers to have their instruction take place in nature while still meeting the Saskatchewan curricular guidelines for the school year. Various benefits to nature exposure for children and adults alike and how the outdoors naturally lends itself to a Grade 1 school year are outlined. I continue to frame my central theme with the ideas of creativity, curiosity and a well-rounded education. The general format of the Saskatchewan curriculum is used in the creation of my nature curriculum guide.
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    Mentorship: Could It Be the Key to Maintaining a Professional Learning Community?
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-04) Jan, Kristopher R.
    Education is a profession which grows and changes with increasingly diversifying communities. Educators have experienced a long history of well-intentioned improvement efforts that have not had the opportunity to be institutionalized in their schools and this can lead teachers to believe that school improvement may be out of reach. With a backdrop of constantly changing initiatives and goals in schools, teachers have started to take charge of their own improvement and have gathered in communities that improve professional practice. One of these kinds of communities, simply titled a Professional Learning Community, has shown considerable effectiveness in improving teaching practice and maintaining changes. With so many well-documented benefits, school divisions have a desire for these communities but have not been able to foster them within their divisions. Therefore, this paper adds recommendations for schools and school divisions to incorporate a mentorship aspect to their induction programs which can help integrate newcomers into a community that already has established practices and norms of professional learning.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Developing a Deeper Understanding of Assessment: from Theory to Practice
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2018-04) Attwater, Shae-Lynne Ann; Martin, Ron
    This practicum report is written as a self-reflective summation of experiences based on my Master of Education (MEd) in Educational Psychology (EPSY) practicum with Educational Psychologist, Joan Helmsing, MEd. This practicum took place in Regina, Saskatchewan from May 2017 to August 2017. In this report, I will describe the learning goals that Mrs. Helmsing and I established. The main goal of this practicum was to gain practical and supervised experience in providing psychological services to clients with a focus on psycho-educational assessments. More specifically, I completed my practicum to increase my competence in conducting psycho-educational assessments, to acquire a deeper understanding of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory, and to apply the theory, knowledge, and skills that I learned in my graduate coursework. Topics included in this report are: establishing and maintaining rapport throughout the process of psychoeducational assessment; behavioural observations; administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Woodcock Johnson IV assessment system, the Integrated Visual Auditory Continuous Performance Test, and various rating scales and forms; writing reports with recommendations; and delivering the findings of the assessment in post-conferences.
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    An Opportunity for Growth: a Practicum Experience at University of Regina Counselling Services
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2017-08) Scollan, Michael; MacAusland-Berg, Ian
    This report describes the practicum experience of a graduate student in the field of Educational Psychology, in a counselling setting, under the supervision and support of a registered psychologist at University of Regina’s Counselling Services. This report summarizes the requirements and obligations that were undertaken throughout the 3.0-hour credit practicum. The writer reflects on the opportunity to gain practical experience and the development of knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality care in a clinical counselling setting. The writer also analyzes the goals that were created prior to the experience and the achievement or failure to reach specific goals. This practicum report was submitted to the Faculty of Education as the final requirement of the Master of Education in Educational Psychology degree program.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Journey of Learning and Skill Development: Practicum Report of Alanna Laturnas
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2017-10) Laturnas, Alanna Bree Elizabeth; Martin, Ron
    This report focuses on the aspects of an assessment-based practicum with Prairie South School Division No. 210, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Cognitive assessments, specifically psycho-educational assessments are discussed. Information describing the setting, expectations, responsibilities and procedures of the practicum student and placement are included. Procedures are discussed in regards to referral processes and psycho-educational assessments within an educational setting. Reflections and learning opportunities are presented at the end of the report. Appendices are included for reference to forms used by the student and Prairie South School Division No. 210.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Counselling Young People Involved with the Criminal Justice System
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2017-06) Dubray, Jason James; Snowshoe, Angela
    Counselling Young People Involved with the Criminal Justice System is a report on my practicum placement for my M. Ed. Psych. Practicum Route 2 program at the University of Regina. I worked at Child and Youth Services for the Saskatoon Health Region from May 1st to June 16th, 2017. I specifically worked with Mr. Shamus James, M. Ed. Psych., on the Young Offender team. Mr. James is also part of the Youth Sexual Offender team. This paper addresses topics that I learned about during my practicum, reflections on how my course work was applied to this practicum, as well as my personal goals of improving my counselling skills as I prepare to continue my work as a guidance counsellor for the Saskatoon Public School Division.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Psychology Beyond the Classroom
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2017-08) Carey, Cori Lee-Anne
    The practicum report to follow has been completed in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education in Educational Psychology – Practicum Route 2 Counselling. This report reviews my background in the study of psychology, my preparation for a practicum, the setting of my practicum at Family Service Regina, and my practicum experience. Particular attention has been paid to a shift in perspective that I experienced during my undergraduate studies that led me to choose counselling psychology and the ways in which this new perspective matured during my practicum work. Additional attention is paid to the expectations and goals that I held prior to the commencement of this practicum and the learning and growth that was realized as the result of this experience.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Connections in Theory, Experience, and Practice of Educational Psychology
    (Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 2017-06) Dimen, Christine Blanche; Martin, Ron
    This practicum took place at the Counselling Assessment Intervention and Research Services (CAIRS) office in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan from January 3, 2017 to March 8, 2017. The goals of this practicum were to develop, improve, and refine my skills in assessments and cross-battery work, to learn and practice at least three assessments that were unfamiliar to me, to apply what I learned through coursework to real-world assessment settings, to increase my competency and confidence with assessments and interview skills, to perform report writing and feedback procedures, and to reflect on my practice and learn from my Professional Associate. These goals were met by conducting four assessments with clients from various backgrounds (i.e. elementary, high school, and university students, and a client working in a professional career). The assessment tools used included: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition, Canadian Norms (WISC-V); Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition, Canadian Norms (WAIS-IV); Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV COG);Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Oral Language (WJ-IV OL); Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing-2 (CTOPP-2); Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement-Fourth Edition (WJ-IV ACH); Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR); Feifer Assessment of Math (FAM); Test of Word Reading Efficiency, Second Edition (TOWRE-2); Test of Orthographic Competence (TOC); Weiss Symptom Inventory (WSR); The Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R); Behavior Assessment Scale for Children-3 (BASC-3); Beck Youth Inventories – Second Edition (BYI-II); Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children Second Edition (MASC-2); Children's Depression Inventory, Second Edition (CDI-2); Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory (CEFI); Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales (Brown ADD Scales); Barkely Deficits in Executive Functioning – Child, Long Form (BDEFS-CA); Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale–IV (BAARS-IV): Self-Report: Current Symptoms and Childhood Smptoms; Conners Continuous Performance Test – 3 (CPT-3); Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention (CATA); and the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, third edition (ABAS-3). I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of using a cross-battery approach, and applying the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory (CHC-Theory) in psycho-educational assessments. Furthermore, I was able to work through challenges in, and understand best practices for interpreting data, report writing, and reporting results.